Thursday, July 25, 2013

ME TARZAN! Posted 7/26/2013                                                                                                                                                                                                      PAINLESS, REGULAR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IS THE CLOSET THING

If you want to be stronger, have more endurance, be more independent, more limber, sleep better, be more fit and enjoy a longer, more healthy and active life - YOU CAN WITHOUT PAIN!

The U.S. Attorney General's Report on Regular Physical Activity lists these benefits:     
  • It improves your chances of living longer and living healthier.
  • It helps protect you from developing heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
  • It helps protect you from developing certain cancers, including Colon and Breast Cancer.
  • It helps prevent Adult-onset Diabetes.
  • It helps prevent Arthritis and may help relieve pain and stiffness in people with this condition.
  • It helps prevent bone loss known as Osteoporosis.
  • It relieves symptoms of depression and anxiety and improves mood.
  • IT CONTROLS WEIGHT.                                                                                                          
 You are responsible for you level of fitness.  ONLY YOU CAN CONTROL HOW FIT YOU ARE.  Your level of fitness is YOUR PERSONAL DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE!  You choose how independent you want to be and how you will reach and maintain that level of fitness.  Remember: you should consult your physician before beginning any fitness program.

The more fit you are, the more freedom you will have to enjoy life.  Exercise will help keep the child in you alive.  Our bodies were made to move.  Your body has a short shelf life.  What's the expiration date on your container?

Exercising, without pain, allows us to hold on to the rewards of being fit!  Exercise allows us to delight in the joy of movement and grab freedom from the chains of chronic illness.  It can give us that child-like feeling...Look at me.  I am strong, agile, limber and enduring enough to do it myself!

Painless exercise is about being kind to ourselves.  Make exercise fun!  If we don't, we probably won't continue to do it.  SO, LET'S DO IT! 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Posting Friday, July 19, 2013

Last week we talked about the importance and benefits of  Stretching.  In that blog I reminded you to wear comfortable, cotton clothing.  This blog will deal mainly with the selection of appropriate shoes for your exercises. 
Remember:                         CINDERELLA IS PROOF THE RIGHT PAIR
                                                 OF SHOES CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

I recommend proper fitting shoes when you exercise.  Shoes are not necessary for stretching or pool exercises.  Wear shoes that are made specifically for the activity you are going to do.  Wear well fitting shoes that give you good support and feel good.  Podiatrists recommend that you allow 1/2 inch space  between the tip of your big toe and the inside, top of the shoe. 

Today, the selection of athletic shoes is mind boggling! They can be pricey, but are  worth it.  Remember: "If the shoe fits...wear it!"  Proper fit and comfort are crucial.  You want  your shoes to enhance your exercise experience; not to become a cause of discomfort and an excuse  not to exercise. Do not continue to wear shoes that are "worn out." They will not provide the support or traction you need. People with diabetes may need special shoes.  Ask your doctor.

When I played Basketball at UCLA for Coach John Wooden, he would spend the first practice session teaching us how to put our athletic socks on properly, so we would not get blisters.  This session stressed the importance of paying attention to details.

Properly fitted shoes are very important and necessary!  There are other exercise items that you may want to consider; but they are optional.  I suggest a mat for exercising.  One pound  hand weights are helpful when you are walking or exercising.  You can substitute hand weights with cans of soup or small water bottles.  Webbed gloves create resistance when you are doing pool exercises.  Sporting goods stores also sell swim fins and hand weights designed specifically for the pool.

Remember:  when starting a new routine, pace yourself.  Start slowly and increase your time and/or repetitions gradually.  When walking, if you can hold a conversation the pace is good. If it is difficult to hold a conversation, you are walking too fast.  If  you can sing, you're walking too slowly.

Remember to stretch before you begin an exercise.  While  you are stretching, pat yourself on the back!  You are headed for a healthier lifestyle!  Drink water before, during and after exercising.  It is important to stay hydrated!

More next week. I will post the next blog July 26th.
Denny Miller

Saturday, July 13, 2013

STRETCHING Fifth posting 7/12/2013 for email response:
Let's talk about the STRETCHING... Stretching is not about how far.  Stretching is not competitve.  "She can do it, so why can't I?"  It is about how it feels for you.  It should feel good and it should be comfortable.  Think of a cat getting up from a nap.  If there is any pain, do not so it!  It should feel like a gentle tug in the muscle or muscle group being stretched.  Warm up before stretching.  Take a warm shower and gently move the parts of your body that are to be strtched.  Walk in place.  Do arm circles.  In my book "ME TARZAN!... YOU TRAIN!... WITHOUT PAIN!" I have pictures showing various stretches and exercises.                                                                               It is important to stretch prior to beginning any exercise and at the end of your routine.  Go into a stretch position slowly.  No bouncing or jerky movements.  The stretch reflex is a built-in safety device in our muscles.  It works like a seat belt in your car.  If you stretch a muscle too fast the stretch reflex will flex that muscle to prevent it from tearing.  Stretch slowly so you won't be fighting yourself.  The muscle will be relaxed.  Hold each stretch for 5 to 20 seconds.  Come out of the stretch slowly and go right back into the same stretch.  You will be able to stretch the the muscle a little further the second time.  Don't try to stretch further, just let it happen.                                                                                                                                          STRETCHING IS NOT A CONCENTRATED EFFORT!                                          STRETCHING IS AN EFFORTLESS CONCENTRATION!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Stretch anytime, anywhere - alone or in a class.  Some people like soft music while stretching.  Wear comfortable clothing - cotton garments breath.  When indoors, stretch without shoes when you are stretching your toes, feet and ankles.                                                                                                                                                                          IF THERE IS ANY PAIN - STOP - DO NOT DO IT!                                                                                                                                                                                                                Note:  If  you have had a recent operation or injury to a joint ot muscle group, ask your doctor for advice before starting any stretching and or exercise program.  I also recommend Bob Anderson's book "STRETCHING."  It is an excellent resource.  He has sold over three million copies of this book.  I will post my next blog on 7/19/2013.  I hope you find these blogs interesting and helpful.  I welcome any comments and questions.  My website is:  I am also on Facebook.  Stay healthy!  Denny Miller                                                                                                                      

Friday, July 5, 2013

ME TARZAN INTRODUCTION         As an introduction please look at my web-site

I have a degree in Physical Education from UCLA and have written a fitness book titled,
"ME TARZAN...YOU TRAIN!...WITHOUT PAIN!" It's for the millions of non-athlete folks that have been told for generations that exercise will do our body NO GOOD unless it hurts. "NO PAIN...NO GAIN!"

To ignore pain works for athletes. That's the price they have to pay to excell in their chosen event.
When they do NOT listen to their body's safety pain signals, injuries will happen. That's why they look like walking adds for Johnson and Johnson. The current Wimbeldon Tennis Tournament is an example.

My book is about  NO PAIN ... KNOW GAIN! ... NO INJURYS! Exercise FOR SMART FOLKS!

Denny Miller