Thursday, September 26, 2013

ME TARZAN! Posted 9/28/2013
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                                          POOL    EXERCISE

You do not have to know how to swim in order to get good, painless fun exercising in the water.  You    don't even get your hair wet!  You can take pool classes or just do them with a buddy.  You stay in the shallow end of the pool or even sit on the pool steps to work your legs.  
As a beginner, use the water as the only resistance against your body.  When you get comfortable exercising in the water, you can add resistance by wearing webbed-style swim gloves or holding almost weightless dumbbells, made for the water.  Both are available at sporting goods store and are relatively inexpensive. 

The water takes away most of the gravity pull on your body.  Another pleasant sensation is the hydro-massage yogurt as you move through the water.  To begin, wade in the shallow end of the pool, waist high. Be sure you check space around you.  Make sure you can extend your arms without hitting the edge of the pool.  

Place your feet shoulder width apart, with one foot slightly ahead of the other, for stability.  Bend your knees so that the water is chest high.  You can do a variety of exercises in this position.

You can now do various swim strokes in place: the crawl, butterfly, or breast stroke.  Cup your hands to create some resistance.  These movements will exercise your shoulders, upper back, and chest muscles.  Do 15 repetitions a set, 3 sets for each stroke.

To exercise the upper arms, place arms at your sides and by flexing your elbows, bring your palms to the surface of the water, keeping your elbows close to your sides.  Palms up on the way up.  Roll your palms over at the top of the water and push down to the start position, under water.   The upper ward movement works your biceps and downward, you work the back of your upper arms.  Do 15 reps a set, for 3 sets.

Another exercise, keeping your feet stationery, push your arms straight out from your shoulders; again working your triceps.  15 reps a set, for 3 sets.

Next, extend your arms, bringing palms together in front of your knees, as if you are clapping under water.  This works your shoulders and chest.  15 reps.

You can hold on to the side of the pool to exercise your legs / flutter kicks or butterfly.  You can also set on the edge of the pool steps and do flutter kicks. 

Walk in place for five minutes to cool down and stretch the muscles you exercised.
Remember, this is not a competition.  If you get tired, STOP!  
Do the upper body routine twice a week.  Rest those muscles for at least 48 hours between sessions.             

                            IF IT HURTS...DON'T DO IT!
To order the book "ME TARZAN! ME TRAIN! WITHOUT PAIN!" -


Thursday, September 12, 2013

ME TARZAN! Posted 9/13/2013  to order your autographed copy of "ME TARZAN! YOU TRAIN! WITHOUT PAIN!"

                                        MOST DIETS DON'T WORK!

Many of us  know people that, during their lifetime, have lost 900 pounds.  What the usually means is that they gained and lost the same 30 pounds about 30 times! They did not adopted a reasonable and fun routine for loosing weight so they don't stick to the plan.  Think about it.

I recommend a sensible plan of healthy eating and exercise.  I also recommend Dr. Andrew Weil's "News Diet."  It takes the weight of the world off your shoulders.  You will find that you get more rest and feel more relaxed when you restrict the amount of negative/bad news you listen to everyday. And, you will sleep better.  Clear your mind and make room for more positive thoughts.

The media concentrates on the negative approach to the news.  We get besieged with political scandals, financial problems, terrorist attacks and more pain and suffering locally and worldwide.  Even the sports world leans toward the negative. The plan is to eliminate all negative news sources that you listen to, watch or read for an entire week.  See how that feels.  The next week limit the news input to two days.  The next five weeks, add one additional day.  At the end of each week, evaluate how you feel.  Then make a decision on how much negative news you are willing to live with on a daily basis.

I am not suggesting you be a Pollyanna.  I am suggesting that is a way to help clear your mind of the static of bad news.  A diet of mainly bad news causes fear.  Fear is that little dark where negatives are developed.

I encourage you to take charge of your life.  You will feel a lot better about yourself and your lifestyle!
To order your autographed copy of "ME TERZAN! YOU TRAIN! WITHOUT PAIN!" go to:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

LEARNING Posted September 6, 2013

It is important to be able to use what you have learned.  So, let's review some of the things we have touched on over the past two months of my blog postings... 
1.)     Consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.
2.)     Wear comfortable clothing and properly fitted shoes.
3.)     Exercise should not be painful!  No pain - No gain is a MYTH!
4.)     Start slowly and build up your exercise time and reps.
5.)     Swimming and walking are two of the best exercises.
6.)     Results do not happen over night.  There is no magic 5 minute exercise!
7.)     Vary your routine and have fun. Be good to yourself.
8.)     Be sure you hydrate before, during and after your exercise routine.
9.)     Stretch your muscle groups before and after your routine; warm up and cool down.
10.)   Develop good eating  habits and a healthier lifestyle.
11.)   Movement is essential to a healthy, happy life.

One of the best definitions of learning is this - Learning is that process of the mind that allows us to take in new information, retain it, and make a permanent change in our potential behavior.

Here is an anecdote that shows the importance of listening and learning...

For several days a battleship assigned to a training squadron had been on maneuvers in heavy weather.  The captain stayed on deck because of poor visibility, caused by patchy fog.  Shortly after dark the Lookout on deck reported "Light bearing object on the starboard bow."

The captain asked, "Is it steady or moving astern?"  he Lookout replied, "Steady, Captain."  This meant they were on a dangerous collision course.

"Signal that ship that we are on  a collision course and advise that they change their course by
 20 degrees."  The reply was "I advise you change your course by 20 degrees." 

The captain sent his reply.  "I am a Captain and you are to change your course by 20 degrees."  The reply was "I am a Seaman Second Class.  You need to change your course by 20 degrees."

By now the captain is furious!  He spat out his reply, "I am a battleship.  Change your course!"  Back came the reply, "I am a lighthouse!"  The battleship changed course.

This additional information let the captain and his crew know that they were in danger - headed for an ultimate and untimely death.  Have you ignored the danger signs about your health?  It is not too late to change your course.  Adopt a healthier lifestyle - choose a healthier diet and a realistic exercise plan.

If you are interested in additional health and exercise tips, my book "ME TARZAN! YOU TRAIN! WITHOUT PAIN!" can be purchased by clicking

I have attached a fun photo from one of my appearances on GILLIGAN'S ISLAND. 
 It seems appropriate.
Denny Miller

Denny Miller

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

if you would like to purchase my latest book go to