Thursday, September 12, 2013

ME TARZAN! Posted 9/13/2013  to order your autographed copy of "ME TARZAN! YOU TRAIN! WITHOUT PAIN!"

                                        MOST DIETS DON'T WORK!

Many of us  know people that, during their lifetime, have lost 900 pounds.  What the usually means is that they gained and lost the same 30 pounds about 30 times! They did not adopted a reasonable and fun routine for loosing weight so they don't stick to the plan.  Think about it.

I recommend a sensible plan of healthy eating and exercise.  I also recommend Dr. Andrew Weil's "News Diet."  It takes the weight of the world off your shoulders.  You will find that you get more rest and feel more relaxed when you restrict the amount of negative/bad news you listen to everyday. And, you will sleep better.  Clear your mind and make room for more positive thoughts.

The media concentrates on the negative approach to the news.  We get besieged with political scandals, financial problems, terrorist attacks and more pain and suffering locally and worldwide.  Even the sports world leans toward the negative. The plan is to eliminate all negative news sources that you listen to, watch or read for an entire week.  See how that feels.  The next week limit the news input to two days.  The next five weeks, add one additional day.  At the end of each week, evaluate how you feel.  Then make a decision on how much negative news you are willing to live with on a daily basis.

I am not suggesting you be a Pollyanna.  I am suggesting that is a way to help clear your mind of the static of bad news.  A diet of mainly bad news causes fear.  Fear is that little dark where negatives are developed.

I encourage you to take charge of your life.  You will feel a lot better about yourself and your lifestyle!
To order your autographed copy of "ME TERZAN! YOU TRAIN! WITHOUT PAIN!" go to:

1 comment:

  1. This post about news fasting is so apt, Denny. The world is far too much with us these days.Advertising teaches people to feel restless and ill at ease with themselves, the 24 hour news cycles constantly beat the drum for despair and everyone is taught to be anxious when we are not connected electronically--and yes, I realize the irony of reading and replying to your wisdom here! Thanks for the reminder to turn things off occasionally.
