Thursday, October 3, 2013

HEALTHY CHOICES Posted October 4, 2013

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                                                           HEALTHY CHOIICES

The World Health Organization states that the three most common causes of chronic disease in our "senior years" are: 1.) Unhealthy diet  2.)  Lack of physical activity   3.) Tobacco use.

We Americans used to suffer early death due to infectious diseases.  But we have improved our nutrition and hygiene; and medical advances have extended our life expectancy.  Now we have to deal with chronic illness.  More Americans are now dying from Strokes, Diabetes, and Heart and Lung Diseases.  Experts have proven that these chronic diseases are preventable.  We can control what we eat and don't eat.  We can control how much and what kind of physical activity we do every day.  And, we are free to choose to smoke or not smoke.

These three simple life style decisions can help us avoid a slow, painful, crippling death by chronic disease.  My own brother, one of the most gifted athletes I have ever seen, took decades to smoke himself to death.  It was a miserable death for him, and sad, maddening torture for his friends and family.  His death could have been prevented.  Thirty hellish years of chronic lung disease could have been avoided and replaced with thirty years of a healthy, happy life, filled with love and joy.

It was his choice, but it was a course that affected all that loved him.  We all make choices daily. When you are aware of living a healthier life, it has rippling affects.  We start eating better and exercising more.  As we see and feel the positive benefits, we are encouraged to continue. We will feel better physically and mentally; willing and able to get up and enjoy life! The choices are simple and they are yours to make!

We cannot choose how we will die.  But, we can choose how we will live!

My next blog will post on October 11, 2013.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful post, Denny! I like that last comment: "We cannot choose how we will die. But we can choose how we will live!"
    Thank you!
