Thursday, August 1, 2013

ME TARZAN! posted August 2, 2013

"You don't look sixty, or forty, or seventy-five!  You look amazing!"  Translation...You look much younger than the age you say you are.

But you really do look sixty or whatever age you are.  You just have taken care of yourself.  Your posture is good and you move comfortably and effortlessly. You have exercised painlessly throughout your life, watched what you ate and drank, and what you did not eat or drink.  You get sufficient rest,  you take "Quiet Breaks", and enjoy your work.  You have controlled the stress in your life, to the best of your ability.  The result is that you don't look "old"; and you have done it without the benefit of plastic surgery. You have reaped the benefits of a healthy life style.

Sadly, most people in our society haven't lived a healthy life style.  They look and feel ten or fifteen years older than they really are.  It is not too late to begin a healthier pathway through exercise and smart food choices.

Albert Schweitzer once said disease tended to leave him rather rapidly because it found so little hospitality inside his body.  Norman Cousins writes in his book "ANATOMY of an ILLNESS" that laughter is the best medicine.


It is time to take charge of your life.  Start a routine of stretching, exercising, walking, dancing - whatever feels good.  Go through your cupboards and refrigerator.  Are you eating healthy?  Be good to yourself!

In one of my first blog posting, I talked about stretching.  Have you started stretching?  Remember, it is not about "how far" but about how good it feels.  Are you starting to feel some positive results?

My next posting is Friday, August 9.

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